Violence mounts in Egypt

(VOVworld) - The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has continued its wave of protests despite big losses and a new curfew. Morsi supporters torched government buildings Thursday in Giza, west of Cairo.

Violence mounts in Egypt - ảnh 1
Firemen try to put out a fire in a government building that was set ablaze in Giza. (Photo: Reuters)

Another Islamist group hurled petrol bombs to set fire to the Finance Ministry building in central Cairo. In Alexandria, the biggest port city in Egypt, hundreds of pro-Morsi protesters blockaded arterial routes, backing up traffic for hours. Cairo on Friday saw a large-scale march by Islamists as the Muslim Brotherhood called for a "Friday of anger" after a crackdown on protesters, killing nearly 600 people nationwide. The Muslim Brotherhood’s senior members say they will continue their protest until they reach their goal of toppling the new regime.

Earlier, the Tamarod (Rebel) movement, which led the protest against Morsi, on Thursday called for a massive demonstration across Egypt to show support for the military and opposition to aggressive acts by the Muslim Brotherhood and to defend the country from “terrorism”. On the same day, an appellate court in Cairo on Thursday ordered a 30-day extension to Morsi’s detention to continue investigating a prison break during the Arab Spring movement in 2011.      

France urged the UN Security Council to convene an emergency meeting, which took place Friday, regarding Egypt’s recent situation. Pyramids and museums in Cairo were shut down due to fear of heightened tension.  

