World reports 187 million cases, 4 million deaths, EU delivers enough doses to vaccinate 70% of adults

(VOVWORLD) - The world has recorded more than 187 million SARS-CoV-2 cases and more than 4 million death on Sunday morning, according Asia is the worst affected region in the world with nearly 57.4 million cases. Europe comes second with about 48.8 million cases.
World reports 187 million cases, 4 million deaths, EU delivers enough doses to vaccinate 70% of adults  - ảnh 1COVID-19 treatment at a hospital in New Delhi, India (Photo: VNA)

North America ranks third with 40.9 million cases, followed by South America with 33.8 million case. Europe has recorded over 1.11 million deaths, the world’s biggest number. South America has reported 1 million deaths, North America 924,000, and Asia 817,023.

China’s National Health Committee said the country had 26 new cases on Saturday, including 7 community infections in Yunnan province. China has so far reported 92,039 infections, including 4,636 deaths.

Italy's economy minister Daniele Franco said on Saturday virus variants were a major source of concern for the global economy but the world should avoid imposing new restrictions on people's lives.

"The only answer is vaccination," said Franco, speaking at the end of a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 rich countries meeting in Venice under the Italian presidency.

The European Union has delivered enough coronavirus vaccine doses to member states to reach a target to fully vaccinate at least 70% of adults in the bloc, European Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement on Saturday.

EU’s vaccine rollout plan managed by EC Chief Von der Leyen, has distributed to its members 330 million doses of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines, 100 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines, 50 million doses of Moderna vaccines, and 20 million doses of Johnson&Johnson vaccines. Johnson&Johnson is single-dose COVID-19 vaccine, while other vaccines need to doses to obtain the full effectiveness. The EU is estimated to have 366 million adults.

