Writing contest on exemplary people reviewed


Writing contest on exemplary people reviewed - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The third writing contest called “Simple and noble examples” closed on Saturday in Ho Chi Minh’s memorial relic site in Hanoi. Since the contest was launched last year, hundreds of works from all over Vietnam have been participating. First prize went to Thanh Kim Tung, who wrote about Doctor Tran Van Nha, who are dedicated to Vietnam’s Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagoes. Addressing the closing ceremony, Dinh The Huynh, Poiburo member and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education, said:  “Special attention should be paid to following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral examples. It is reflected in the daily life, in the relationship with the people, comrades and colleagues. We try to turn the movement to study Ho Chi Minh’s moral examples into a regular activity of every party organization, locality and person. I call on the media to learn initiatives in organizing such contest. I believe that the contest will continue to achieve further results, encouraging the movement to follow Ho Chi Minh’s moral examples”.

