Ho Thi Phi: a role model in practicing frugality

(VOVworld) – President Ho Chi Minh was a bright example of a simple and thrift lifestyle. Ho Thi Phi, Head of the Binh Nhon Women’s Union in Thuan Nam district, Binh Thuan province, has creatively turned President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings into specific actions and amplified the local movement of following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example.

Ho Thi Phi: a role model in practicing frugality  - ảnh 1
(photo: thuvienbinhthuan.com.vn)

Ho Thi Phi has 5 years of experience in leading the village’s women’s union. She has always taken the lead in the union’s activities including the movement of studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example, encouraging other women to practice saving electricity, water, and expenses everyday. She has rallied nearly 200 women to the “Union of women practicing thrift”. Phi says: "I myself studied and applied President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings. Other women see that what I’m doing is useful and they follow. I set a good example before encouraging them to set aside means for production or unexpected occasions".

Mrs. Phi has always upheld the spirit of “helping those less fortunate than yourself” in the union’s work. She has persuaded each member to contribute 5,000 VND per day to the “Fund of following Uncle Ho’s teaching”, a reserve for disadvantaged households to launch a small business and production. Last year, the Fund collected nearly 20 million VND.

Mrs. Phi has organized the members to donate a cup or a handful of rice per day to the “Affectionate rice pot” to assist disadvantaged and single women, and the elderly. Since 2009, the union has given 800 kg of rice to 80 beneficiaries. The small donations have helped the poor and single women solve their short-term difficulties. Nguyen Thi Muoi, Chairwoman of Binh Tan commune’s Women’s Union, says: "Binh Nhon hamlet Women’s Union operates very well, especially the union’s Chief. Mrs. Phi has encouraged the members to study the Party’s resolutions and President Ho Chi Minh’s moral examples. They have “Affectionate rice pots” and a “Piggy bank” to collect donations for the elderly, people with disabilities, and the poor. They have a fund to present gifts to sick people.

Ho Thi Phi said she studies President Ho Chi Minh’s characteristics of industriousness, thrift, uprightness, fairness, and impartiality and applies them to her life and work to become a useful citizen.   


