Tran Van Sinh, young hamlet chief in Mong Cai

(VOVworld) – Tran Van Sinh is one of the young hamlet chiefs in Bac Son commune, Quang Ninh province. Born in the 1980s, Sinh has been appointed chief of Thanh Phun hamlet for his dynamism, enthusiasm and creativity.

Tran Van Sinh, young hamlet chief in Mong Cai - ảnh 1

Sinh of Tay ethnicity was born in the northern province of Lang Son. His family settled in Bac Son 10 years ago and this place has become his second home land. His enthusiasm, moderation and sociability have earned him the respect and admiration of local residents, particularly the elderly. Elected Chairman of Bac Son commune’s People’s Committee in 2011, Nguyen Van Hoan decided to rejuvenate the local leadership and Sinh was among those chosen. Hoan said: “Old hamlet chiefs are enthusiastic and experienced but their health and knowledge are a major concern. We replaced all 4 hamlet chiefs in 2011 and the former chiefs volunteered to be deputies to consult with their successors.”

Sinh now has to become familiar with communications, speak in public, and use the Internet and he will have to travel more because the hamlet’s loudspeaker system can’t reach every household. Sinh said: “I’ve had to work hard to get acquainted with the new job. It was tiring because I had to travel a lot. I respond ready myself whenever someone calls regardless of the timing or weather conditions.”

Sinh’s motorbike has been his companion on every one of his trips. Since Sinh has to meet and talk to people of different ethnic groups, he has had to learn their languages: “After living here for 13 years, I can now speak 5 ethnic languages and a little Chinese. It’s easier to communicate with them if we know their languages.”

Sinh has been active in helping local residents develop their economy, particularly in the cultivation of acacia trees. He said: “In the beginning, local residents only reclaimed land to make ends meet. Barren hills have been filled with acacia trees since 2000 and each family has several hectares of land for cultivation. It takes up to 10 years for a harvest.”

In 3 years as hamlet chief, Sinh has won the trust and respect of Than Phun residents. Sinh says he will work harder to contribute more to his second homeland.    

