Vietnam’s colorful markets

Vietnam’s colorful markets

(VOVworld)- No one can count how many markets there are in Vietnam but many agree that they are the vivid reflection of the Vietnamese culture. Markets vary by regions. It...
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A: Le Duc Tho was the first and only person ever to refuse a Nobel Peace Prize. In his declining statement, he wrote: "Peace has not yet really been established in...
Folk music of the K’ho

Folk music of the K’ho

(VOVworld) – The K’ho has a treasury of folk music that include a variety of musical instruments: gongs, Sogor drums, and instruments fashioned from gourds or bamboo
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A: Spring is the best time to admire the stunning beauty of the Moc Chau Plateau when its mountain slopes are covered with peach flowers. Getting lost in vast fields...
Junior Fashion Week comes to HCM City

Junior Fashion Week comes to HCM City

(VOVworld)- More than 200 garments for boys and girls created by foreign and local fashion houses and garment companies will be showcased at the first Vietnam Junior Fashion Week to...
The Nung’s singing

The Nung’s singing

(VOVworld) – Folk songs have been part of the Nung’s cultural treasure since days long past. The Nung consider singing folk songs a way to communicate and express their feelings...
Wedding custom of the Nung

Wedding custom of the Nung

(VOVworld) - In the past a Nung marriage was arranged by the parents. Over the years, some of their backward customs have evolved and now Nung adolescents are allowed to date...
Baseball – the leading sport in Venezuela

Baseball – the leading sport in Venezuela

(VOVworld) - In Venezuela, sports play an important role in people’s lives. Of all the sports, baseball attracts the greatest number of participants. Today VOV talks to Ms Maikki from Venezuela,...
UN police is allowed to deploy in Burundi

UN police is allowed to deploy in Burundi

(VOVworld) – Burundi’s Foreign Minsiter Alain Nyamitwe said Burundi has accepted the UN Security Council’s resolution to send police to the country to ensure security following several months of political...
Wedding ceremony of the Khmer

Wedding ceremony of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – Getting married is an important event in a person’s life. Khmer boys and girls are free to date but must follow many rules and customs for marriage. Today...
Russian Sun Festival “Maslenitsa” 2016 in Hanoi

Russian Sun Festival “Maslenitsa” 2016 in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - Maslenitsa is the traditional Sun Festival of Russia. People celebrate Maslenista to say good-bye to the cold winter and welcome the warm spring’s return. The Maslenitsa Festival 2016 in Hanoi, held...
Radio musical and Mong children in Ha Giang

Radio musical and Mong children in Ha Giang

(VOVworld) –20 Mong children in Can Chu Phin commune, Ha Giang province, recently participated in the production of a radio musical. The program was organized by Plan International, an international children-centered community development...