World aviation faces challenges

World aviation faces challenges

(VOVWORLD) -Terrorism and protectionism have posed great challenges to the aviation sector worldwide. These threats have reduced aviation growth and consumer demand
Risks of IS expansion into Southeast Asia

Risks of IS expansion into Southeast Asia

(VOVWORLD) - Following clashes between government and rebel forces, Marawi city on Mindanao island, the Philippines, has become the first city in Southeast Asia to come under the control of forces loyal to...
Two Libyan leaders meet in UAE

Two Libyan leaders meet in UAE

(VOVWORLD) -Fayez al-Sarraj, the head of Libya's UN-backed government, met his rival General Khalifa Haftar in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Tuesday in a rare meeting...
RadioAsia Conference 2017 opens

RadioAsia Conference 2017 opens

(VOVworld) - The Radio Asia Conference 2017 begins in Bangkok today, drawing hundreds of radio broadcasters, researchers, and experts across the Asia-Pacific and beyond
Syrian peace talks: negative signs

Syrian peace talks: negative signs

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council has approved a resolution on a cease fire in Syria, mediated by Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It paves the way for a peace talks scheduled to take place in Astana, the capital...
NA Chairwoman calls for unity for healthy, green planet

NA Chairwoman calls for unity for healthy, green planet

(VOVworld)-National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim has urged countries to enhance cooperation, share experience, and provide assistance for joint projects developing low-carbon economies, coping with climate change, and...