US Election: Trump names foreign policy team

US Election: Trump names foreign policy team

(VOVworld)- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday unveiled a partial list of his foreign policy advisers in an interview with The Washington Post, after saying last week that he...
The US after Super Tuesday

The US after Super Tuesday

(VOVworld) – Hillary Clinton and Donald T rump, the Democratic and Republican frontrunners, consolidated their lead in several state primary elections on Super Tuesday, March 1, and moved closer to securing their...
Wednesday November 25, 2015

Wednesday November 25, 2015

(VOVworld) - Today we welcome some new listeners. Malik Allah Bachaya Khokhar, member of a radio listeners’ club in Punjab, Pakistan, and Zach Rutledge, who lives in Alabama state in the...
Concert celebrates Vietnam-US relations

Concert celebrates Vietnam-US relations

(VOVworld)- American maestro David Itkin and Vietnamese violinist Vu Viet Chuong will perform at a concert celebrating 20 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the US at the HCM...
10 US states refuse resettlement of Syrian refugees

10 US states refuse resettlement of Syrian refugees

(VOVworld) – At least 10 US state governors have refused the relocation of Syrian refugees to their state unless extreme security measures are implemented following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris...