G7 ministers united on North Korea issue

G7 ministers united on North Korea issue

(VOVWORLD) - The foreign ministers of the Group of Seven industrialised nations (G7) have reached a consensus on maintaining maximum pressure on North Korea’s nuclear program
Worldwide preparations made for Christmas

Worldwide preparations made for Christmas

(VOVWORLD) - Tree lighting activities are taking place worldwide as Christmas approaches. Major cities around the world have also organized numerous street parades to attract both local people and tourists
Vietnam, Japan: trust and pragmatic relations

Vietnam, Japan: trust and pragmatic relations

(VOVWORLD) - Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan Oshima Tadamori begins a two-day official visit to Vietnam on Thursday. This visit and visits earlier this year by Japanese Prime...
Wednesday August 24, 2016

Wednesday August 24, 2016

(VOVworld) - This week, we got an email from Arvid Husdal, a 49-year-old radio enthusiast from Kristiansand in the far south of Norway. He said his hobby is Dx...
Onigiri - A symbol of family love in Japan

Onigiri - A symbol of family love in Japan

(VOVworld) - At first glance, Onigiri- Japanese rice balls- seem too ordinary to represent the quintessence of Japan’s cooking arts, unlike a colorful tray of sushi. Yet, the simple-looking rice...
Russia sues Ukraine over unpaid 3 billion USD loan

Russia sues Ukraine over unpaid 3 billion USD loan

(VOVworld) - Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Wednesday that Russia has filed a lawsuit against Ukraine at London's Court of International Arbitration over 3 billion USD loan Kiev has...
65 years of Vietnam-Russia relations

65 years of Vietnam-Russia relations

(VOVworld) – 65 years ago the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Russian Federation) was one of the first countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam. The milestone...
Big opportunities for BRICS

Big opportunities for BRICS

(VOVworld) –Leaders of 5 emerging market nations, BRICS, including Russia, India, China, Brazil, and South Africa, convened a summit in Brazil. They will make decisions on many important issues especially...
Wednesday May 28, 2014

Wednesday May 28, 2014

(VOVworld) - Foreigners preparing to visit Vietnam frequently ask about transportation. We have some suggestions for getting around. This is in response to a question from Indian listener Jayanta Chakrabarty about public...