Wednesday July 06, 2022

Wednesday July 06, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Last week VOVWorld received 389 letters and emails from listeners in 33 countries and territories who listened to VOV’s programs in 12 languages. We were very glad to receive...
Wednesday June 29, 2022

Wednesday June 29, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to acknowledge feedback from Bidhan Chandra Sanyal of India who comments on our program on a daily basis
US Fortune Cookies

US Fortune Cookies

(VOVWORLD) - The crunchy fortune cookies are often served at the end of a Chinese meal in the US. When you see them, it's not the cookie you're craving, it's the fortune. I...
Dropshipping through the success story of FUNIMART

Dropshipping through the success story of FUNIMART

(VOVWORLD) - Dropshipping is a business model where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, the seller purchases inventory as needed from a third party, usually a wholesaler or...
Lai Chau - safe, friendly tourist destination

Lai Chau - safe, friendly tourist destination

(VOVWORLD) - The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted the socio-economic development of Lai Chau province in northern Vietnam. As soon as a resolution on safe adaptation to, and effective control of...
Wednesday January 26, 2022

Wednesday January 26, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - We're now in the final week of the year of the Buffalo and will welcome the Year of the Tiger in less than a week