Wednesday March 9, 2016

Wednesday March 9, 2016

(VOVworld) - The fever of spring and Tet, the Vnese Lunar New Year, has arrived. From February to April, Hanoi is humid and wet with frequent drizzles. The temperature ranges from 15...
H5N2 bird-flu virus spread continues in the US

H5N2 bird-flu virus spread continues in the US

(VOVworld) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton declared Saturday an emergency over the widespread H5N2 avian influenza invasion of poultry farms, as the US first outbreaks in chickens and backyard poultry were...
Yen Phuc bird market

Yen Phuc bird market

(VOVworld) – Yen Phuc bird market in Ha Dong district, Hanoi, has become a popular venue for ornamental bird lovers
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A: Mitul Kansal sent us a multi-page entry showing his understanding of Vietnam through VOV broadcasts and his love for VOV. Mitul wrote: “VOV has inspired me to view things in a positive way. It has brought...
Neu - Tet bamboo pole

Neu - Tet bamboo pole

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese people have a custom of erecting a bamboo pole, known as a Neu tree, in front of their house on the last day of the lunar year to expel evils...
Vietnam emergency operations center debut

Vietnam emergency operations center debut

(VOVworld) – Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien and the US Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius cut the ribbon for the operating system of Vietnam’s emergency operations center (EOC)
Wednesday January 28, 2015

Wednesday January 28, 2015

(VOVworld) - I’d like to remind you again that VOV’s English program is now broadcast on the internet at the same time as on shortwave. Please log in to...
Photo exhibition features Vietnamese rare birds

Photo exhibition features Vietnamese rare birds

(VOVworld) - A photo exhibition entitled – Wild Birds in Mating Season – by photographer Tang A Pau will be held on January 24th - 28th at the city Youth Cultural House in HCM City aiming to...
Vietnam welcomes Japanese enterprises

Vietnam welcomes Japanese enterprises

(VOVworld)- President Truong Tan Sang thanked Japan for its technical assistance in fishing and processing ocean tuna which has generated high efficiency products for fishermen in central Binh Dinh province
New human H7N9 case in China

New human H7N9 case in China

(VOVworld) - Shenzhen City in China's Guangdong Province on Monday reported a new human infection of H7N9 bird flu. A six-year-old girl has tested positive for H7N9 and is...
Vietnam’s top ten events in 2014

Vietnam’s top ten events in 2014

1. National Assembly passes several Laws, Resolutions to specify 2013 Constitution In 2014, the National Assembly adopted 29 Laws to fine-tune the legal system, and institutionalize the 2013 Constitution’s...
Wednesday December 17, 2014

Wednesday December 17, 2014

(VOVworld) - This week we got a letter from Denis Ironman of England, whose last letter to us was back in 1971. We’re happy to welcome you back after 45 years. Wow...
Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve

Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve

(VOVworld) – Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve covers more than 3,000 hectares in Gia Vien district, Ninh Binh province. This is a beautiful site that holds two national records for having...