Biased reports on human rights in Vietnam

Biased reports on human rights in Vietnam

(VOVworld) -The European Parliament on April 18 issued a resolution on human rights in Vietnam saying that Vietnam violates the right to freedom of expression. After that, the US Department of State released...
RSF distorts the freedom of press in Vietnam

RSF distorts the freedom of press in Vietnam

VOVworld)-The Reporters Without Borders organization RSF has presented its “Netizen of the Year” award to Vietnamese blogger Huynh Ngoc Chenh. In addition to the award, RSF in its report on World...
Honoring a violator of Vietnamese law is wrong

Honoring a violator of Vietnamese law is wrong

(VOVworld) - The US State Department has presented its 2012 International Women of Courage Award to Ta Phong Tan, who is serving a 10- year prison term for violating Vietnamese law. This...
CPJ boldly distorts Vietnam’s press

CPJ boldly distorts Vietnam’s press

(VOVworld) – The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on February 14th released its annual report on global press freedom, which listed Vietnam among the world’s top 5 countries for jailing the...
Controlling information on the Internet

Controlling information on the Internet

(VOVworld) - The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court recently jailed bloggers under article 88 of the Criminal Code, after security agencies found websites containing propaganda that distorted Vietnamese Party and State...
February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

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