Traveling to love the country more

Traveling to love the country more

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has diverse scenic spots from the north to the south, world-recognized tourist sites to beautiful, untouched places in remote areas. Traveling to explore the hidden charms of Vietnam is...
Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

(VOVworld ) - Vietnam continues to be singled out as one of the world’s climate change hotspots. With its long coastline and low-lying deltas, researchers warn millions of people in the country...
Wednesday July 17,2013

Wednesday July 17,2013

This week, VOV’s Letter Box has been flooded with mails and emails from our dear listeners throughout the world. Despite the rapid growth of the internet and online media, the number of...
Wednesday July 3, 2013

Wednesday July 3, 2013

Over the past week, we’ve received a lot of mails and emails from our dear listeners around the world. The number of listeners’ letters has increased in recent months showing...
March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013

To begin this week’s Letter Box, we’ll say Hello to two new listeners, Andreas Lubnow of Germany and Muhammad Idrees of Pakistan. Welcome to VOV’s community of...
"Xam tau dien"- street art of Hanoi

"Xam tau dien"- street art of Hanoi

(VOVworld)- Xam singing known as streetcar singing appeared in the north of Vietnam long ago. In Hanoi, there’s a unique style of Xam singing, called Xam tau dien, which was performed on trams or streetcars by mostly...
Banks cut interest rate, inflation eases

Banks cut interest rate, inflation eases

(VOVworld) The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has just lowered major interest rate caps, including deposit rates by 1%. The central bank has also decided to open up equity, real estate...