Van Ho, a captivating beauty

Van Ho, a captivating beauty

(VOVWORLD) - Villages hidden in the mist, magnificent waterfalls, tea fields carpeting the mountainside, and lively mountain fairs have captivated a lot of visitors to Van Ho district, the gateway to...
2023 to be hottest year on record: COP28

2023 to be hottest year on record: COP28

(VOVWORLD) -Europe’s climate monitor, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), on Wednesday announced that 2023 may be the hottest year on record, after November became the sixth record-breaking...
Fall foliage in Ru Cha mangrove forest

Fall foliage in Ru Cha mangrove forest

(VOVWORLD) - Ru Cha mangrove forest is a stunningly-beautiful place that attracts plenty of travelers to Hue, especially when leaves change color, creating a peaceful scene for visitors to enjoy
Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The Peruvian Ambassador to Vietnam says that every Peruvian person can cook well and cuisine is a source of their national pride, not just for its incomparable flavors and aromas, but because...