Vietnam-EU ties enhanced

Vietnam-EU ties enhanced

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc left Hanoi on Sunday morning for Vienna, Austria, to attend the 12th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 12) and the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 Summit (P4G...
EU to remove EBA and EMA from UK

EU to remove EBA and EMA from UK

(VOVWORLD) - European Union countries faced a deadline Monday to submit their bids to host banking and medical agencies currently based in London
Wednesday February 22, 2017

Wednesday February 22, 2017

(VOVworld) - We’re very glad to get a letter from David Ansell of Sussex, England, after quite a long time. He listened to our broadcast on January 19 on 7280...
Europe tightens migrant control

Europe tightens migrant control

(VOVworld)- European countries have strengthened the control of migrants after a series of women in Cologne, Germany were attacked by a number of migrants from Middle East and North African...
A series of shootings in Copenhagen

A series of shootings in Copenhagen

(VOVworld) – Shootings in Copenhagen, Denmark on Sunday injured 3 people. Danish police said the latest shooting near Norreport injured a civilian and 2 policemen