ASEAN: Challenge and Vision

ASEAN: Challenge and Vision

(VOVWORLD) - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, now the ASEAN Community, marked its 50th anniversary last year. Despite member countries’ different political systems, development levels, and cultural diversity, the organization obtained significant achievements...
Great National Solidarity consolidated

Great National Solidarity consolidated

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is a country with 54 ethnic groups, most of whom live in remote, mountainous areas near Vietnam’s northern and western border. The Vietnamese Party and State consider resolving ethnic...
CPTPP offers global cooperation opportunities

CPTPP offers global cooperation opportunities

(VOVWORLD) - Attendees at the 2017 APEC Economic Leaders’ Week agreed to change the name of the TPP to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) without the...
APEC persists with Bogor Goals

APEC persists with Bogor Goals

(VOVWORLD) -The Bogor Goals, adopted in 1994 at the second Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bogor, Indonesia, paved the way for impressive trade and investment liberalization in the region...
Japan-Vietnam cooperation boosts economic integration

Japan-Vietnam cooperation boosts economic integration

(VOVWORLD) - A recent forum on Vietnam-Japan cooperation said that incentives have been put forward to push economic integration in Asia Pacific, including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and Free Trade Area of the Asia...
Hanoi upholds heroic tradition

Hanoi upholds heroic tradition

(VOVWORLD) -The Hanoi Moi or New Hanoi newspaper on Tuesday ran an article by Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Hoang Trung Hai about upholding Vietnam’s heroic revolutionary...