Cricket, traditional sport of England

Cricket, traditional sport of England

(VOVWORLD) - Cricket is a beautiful bat-and-ball game. And with an estimated 2.5 billion fans worldwide, it is the second-most popular sport in the world behind soccer. In England, Cricket has...
Cork City and Irish Pub Culture

Cork City and Irish Pub Culture

(VOVWORLD) - The traditions and culture of Ireland are known across the world and whilst millions celebrate and enjoy Irish traditions such as the Saint Patrick’s Day, Pub Culture, and Sports, many are not aware of their origins....
Opportunity for peace on the Korean peninsula

Opportunity for peace on the Korean peninsula

(VOVWORLD) - An inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will take place in the Panmonjom truce village on Friday. The meeting,...
Papoose weaving craft of the Churu

Papoose weaving craft of the Churu

(VOVworld) – A papoose is a carrying container used by a number of ethnic groups in Vietnam’s Central Highlands, including the Churu. The papoose reflects the Churu people’s culture...
Identifying Nung people by their costume

Identifying Nung people by their costume

(VOVworld) – The costume of the Nung is not as colorful as that of other ethnic groups. Nung clothes are made of indigo dyed fabric with very few decorations or embroidery....
Sharp increase in Canada-Vietnam bilateral trade

Sharp increase in Canada-Vietnam bilateral trade

(VOVworld) – Statistic Canada reports that bilateral trade between Canada and Vietnam in the first 9 months of the year reached 2.8 billion USD. Vietnam’s exports to Canada were worth 2.4 billion USD, up 31% from last year....