Northern region braces for cold spell

Northern region braces for cold spell

(VOVWORLD) - A cold spell has hit Vietnam’s northern and north-central region. Localities are taking measures to keep people, animals, and crops safe
US calls on G20 to step up climate action

US calls on G20 to step up climate action

(VOVWORLD) - US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Friday called on her G20 counterparts meeting in Venice to take urgent action to decarbonize the global economy and tackle climate change
New Zealand, Vietnam boost agricultural cooperation

New Zealand, Vietnam boost agricultural cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - The flourishing agricultural cooperation between New Zealand and Vietnam was lifted to a new height with the signing of an agriculture cooperation arrangement at the first New Zealand – Vietnam...
Global effort to cope with climate change

Global effort to cope with climate change

(VOVWORLD) - 2020 is coming to an end. It’s time to review climate change data. Climate change is threatening the global ecosystem and life in every corner of the world
Interesting Bhutan’s facts

Interesting Bhutan’s facts

(VOVWORLD) - Bhutan is a country unlike any other, a land where monks still meditate for years in the sacred caves to the East. A country ruled by a monarch who freely gave up his absolute power to...
How do German people separate their garbage?

How do German people separate their garbage?

(VOVWORLD) - Far too much rubbish is produced all over the world. Every German produces around 450 kilograms of garbage per year. Germans are known for being particularly careful in separating and recycling their waste. Is...
Wednesday November 6, 2019

Wednesday November 6, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - We’re very glad to have an email from Gerry Neumann after a long silence. Gerry is an old friend of VOV and he used to write to us on a weekly...
Climate change prevention effort continues

Climate change prevention effort continues

(VOVWORLD) - UN members gathered in Poland from December 2-14 for the COP24 climate change conference to adopt a set of implementation guidelines for the 2015 Paris Agreement. It was...