Hai Duong city on its new development path

Hai Duong city on its new development path

(VOVWORLD) - Hai Duong city in Hai Duong province is busy these days after the Prime Minister recognized it as a first-class city. October 30 marks the date 65 years ago...
Vietnamese literary works exported

Vietnamese literary works exported

(VOVWORLD) - In recent years, many Vietnamese writers have been honored with international awards. Many Vietnamese literary works have been translated into foreign languages and published overseas
Changes in Cu Pong Revolutionary Base

Changes in Cu Pong Revolutionary Base

(VOVWORLD) - Cu Pong commune in Dak Lak province is a former revolutionary base where the army and local people united in the national revolution and bravely fought until liberation day. Today, the Cu...
Grave sculptures of the Central Highlands

Grave sculptures of the Central Highlands

(VOVWORLD) - Carving wooden sculptures is a special folk art of ethnic groups such as the Co Tu, Ede, Ba Na, and Jarai of the Central Highlands. They are not just folk...
Wednesday May 22, 2019

Wednesday May 22, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - We keep adding more listeners to our website and Facebook fanpage. Sultan Mahmud Sarker, President of the Shetu Radio Fan Club of Bangladesh, told us that he visited VOV5’s Facebook...
Jarai’s unique Po Thi funeral custom

Jarai’s unique Po Thi funeral custom

(VOVWORLD) - Po Thi, the Jarai custom of building a larger charnel house for a deceased person before seeing them off to the world of Gods, takes place between January and...
Jarai people’s Pran mat craft

Jarai people’s Pran mat craft

(VOVWORLD) - The Jarai people in Gia Lai province have maintained many traditional handicrafts, such as weaving brocade fabric and making musical instruments, bamboo papooses, and pineapple-leaf mats. In recent...