COVID-19 update

COVID-19 update

(VOVWORLD) - According to, as of Thursday morning, the world had recorded more than 196.6 million COVID-19 cases and 4.2 million deaths
US Congress undergoes historic attack

US Congress undergoes historic attack

(VOVWORLD) - On Wednesday (US time), the Capitol in Washington DC, the headquarters of the US Congress was attacked for the first time in more than 200 years. A joint session...
World watches Election Day in the US

World watches Election Day in the US

(VOVWORLD) - Vote counting in the US election is under way. The world is watching and some countries have made announcements about their post-election relations with the US
Canada drops free trade talks with China

Canada drops free trade talks with China

(VOVWORLD) - A trade agreement between Canada and China is no longer worth pursuing, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne said Friday, abandoning free trade talks that were initiated...
Wednesday August 19, 2020

Wednesday August 19, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - First up we’d like to wish all of you well during the spreading coronavirus pandemic. Many of our listeners told us that their countries are going to unlock...
Discrimination protests spread outside US

Discrimination protests spread outside US

(VOVWORLD) - The world community is focused on the United States, where mass protests are taking place across the nation, triggered by the death of an unarmed black man while in police custody...