Cham historical relics being preserved

Cham historical relics being preserved

(VOVworld)- Ninh Thuan province has Vietnam’s largest population of Cham ethnic minority people. The Cham culture is reflected in their writing, clothing, architecture, sculpture, ceramics and brocade weaving. In recent years...
Cham’s Kate festival opens

Cham’s Kate festival opens

(VOVworld) – The Kate festival, the biggest annual festival of the Cham ethnic people of the Balamon religion, opened in Phan Rang City in Ninh Thuan province on Thursday
Cham women’s attire

Cham women’s attire

(VOVworld) – Costumes vividly reflect the weaving techniques, aesthetics, cultural characteristics, religion and beliefs of the Cham people. In the Cham society, each class has its own attire. The long dress...
20 March 2013

20 March 2013

Each week when we receive letters and emails from listeners around the world, we find that some of the listeners care about political issues in Vietnam while a majority are keenly interested...
Cham ethnic festival opens in Ninh Thuan province

Cham ethnic festival opens in Ninh Thuan province

(VOV) – “Cham culture – preservation, development, and integration” is the main theme of the ongoing culture, sports, and tourism festival of Cham ethnic people in the south central province of Ninh...