The Tale of Kieu featured in new suite

The Tale of Kieu featured in new suite

(VOVWORLD) - Music Professor Dang Ngoc Long has a long association with Vietnamese music. He is the person who popularized Vietnamese music including Nghe Tinh and Quan Ho folk songs in...
US-China trade tension escalate

US-China trade tension escalate

(VOVWORLD) - Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Gao Feng said on Thursday that conducting security checks on foreign investments in sensitive sectors is a nation’s legitimate right, but it should...
Savory mini-pancakes with pork and shrimp toppings

Savory mini-pancakes with pork and shrimp toppings

(VOVWORLD) - The savory mini-pancakes with pork and shrimp toppings are as crispy as fried chicken on the outside, but the batter on the inside is smooth and almost creamy. To eat them, take a cake, top...
Increasing trend of smart agriculture in Asia

Increasing trend of smart agriculture in Asia

(VOVWORLD) - Countries across Asia are setting out national strategies that support the automation of farming using robotics, data analytics, and sensor technology. These tools can make a huge difference in crop yields,...
Wednesday, February 28, 2017

Wednesday, February 28, 2017

B: Pho, Vietnam’s noodle soup tops the list. This simple staple consisting of a salty broth, fresh rice noodles, and a sprinkling of herbs and either chicken or beef, features prominently in...
Vietnamese grilled bamboo stick pork with noodle

Vietnamese grilled bamboo stick pork with noodle

(VOVworld) - Bun cha is one of the most familiar street foods in Hanoi. It’s on the food list that foreigners must try in Vietnam. However, not everyone knows that there are many versions of the dish, for example...
“Obama” grilled pork noodle in Hanoi

“Obama” grilled pork noodle in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – It’s not yet lunch time but the Huong Lien Bun cha or grilled pork noodle shop on Le Van Huu street, Hanoi, has already been swarmed by customers....
Argentines discuss Vietnam in renewal process

Argentines discuss Vietnam in renewal process

(VOVworld) - A workshop on Vietnam’s renewal process was held in Argentina on Sunday to mark the upcoming 70th anniversary of Vietnam’s August Revolution and National Independence Day
Muong cuisine

Muong cuisine

(VOVworld) – Muong cuisine has a unique flavor because it is made from ingredients found in the forest and springs. Muong women have always depended on the natural, fresh taste of...
Vo Nguyen Giap, a talented general

Vo Nguyen Giap, a talented general

(VOVworld) – Former Commander-in-chief, General Vo Nguyen Giap was one of the most renowned generals in the world. The legendary general has passed away yet stories about him will...
Agricultural production models on Truong Sa

Agricultural production models on Truong Sa

(VOVworld) - The harsh climate and lack of fresh water make farming and ranching on the Truong Sa archipelago very difficult. But thanks to the tireless efforts of the islanders and soldiers...