Two Libyan leaders meet in UAE

Two Libyan leaders meet in UAE

(VOVWORLD) -Fayez al-Sarraj, the head of Libya's UN-backed government, met his rival General Khalifa Haftar in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Tuesday in a rare meeting...
Ceasefire reached in Libya

Ceasefire reached in Libya

(VOVworld) - A three-day ceasefire was reached between forces loyal to Libya's UN-backed government and military commander Khalifa Haftar in the south of Libya. Hisham Abushkiwat, a member of the...
EU official visits Algeria

EU official visits Algeria

(VOVworld) – High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini began her 2-day visit to Algeria, started Saturday, at the invitation of Algerian Foreign...
700 refugees rescued off Libya coast

700 refugees rescued off Libya coast

(VOVworld) - 700 refugees were rescued off the coast of Libya as they attempted to make the perilous journey to Europe, announced by Italy’s coast guard, adding that those people...
Egypt, UN support peace efforts in Libya

Egypt, UN support peace efforts in Libya

(VOVworld) – Egypt’s Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazy and UN special representative in Libya Martin Kobler met to discuss a path to peace, Egypt’s army said in a statement...
Libyan coast guard intercepts hundreds of refugees

Libyan coast guard intercepts hundreds of refugees

(VOVworld)-Lybian coastguard spokesman, General Ayoub Qassem said Saturday that more than 400 refugees, including several women and children attempting to reach Europe, were intercepted by Libya's coastguard