Grilled banana, a dessert favorite in Vietnam

Grilled banana, a dessert favorite in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -On March 5 the Culinary Journeys TV series, which airs monthly on CNN International, selected grilled banana in southern Vietnam as one of the nine top dessert favorites. “It’s crispy, smoky, and...
Tu Lu spinning top, a folk game of the Mong

Tu Lu spinning top, a folk game of the Mong

(VOVWORLD) - When Tet or traditional lunar New Year comes, Mong ethnic people are excited for their traditional festivals where they play folk games. Preserved as a unique cultural feature of the Mong, Tu Lu, a...
Wednesday February 22, 2023

Wednesday February 22, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to thank all the listeners who celebrated World Radio Day with us and shared their stories about the celebration in their...