OSCE observers to monitor Russian election

OSCE observers to monitor Russian election

(VOVWORLD) - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe will send more than 100 observers from 30 countries to monitor the Russian presidential election on...
1-year rule of President Donald Trump

1-year rule of President Donald Trump

(VOVWORLD) -December 18, 2016 was a historic day in US history, when Donald Trump became the 45th US President. Over the past year he has made important decisions affecting Americans...
US, Israel to withdraw from UNESCO

US, Israel to withdraw from UNESCO

(VOVWORLD) -The US has announced it will withdraw from the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The withdrawal will take effect on 31 December 2018
EU protects ocean ecologies

EU protects ocean ecologies

(VOVworld) – The European Parliament (EP) has approved bans on trawling below 800m in EU waters. The ban, setting a worldwide precedent, will help to protect vulnerable deep-sea marine ecosystems...
Supermoon- November 14, 2016

Supermoon- November 14, 2016

(VOVworld) - Supermoon: Tonight the moon is as close as it has been to Earth since 1948. It won't be this close again until 2034. Check out some photos of super...
Chinese top legislator concludes Vietnam visit

Chinese top legislator concludes Vietnam visit

(VOVworld) - Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, left Da Nang city on Friday, concluding his 4-day official visit to Vietnam...
UK, EU ready for Brexit referendum

UK, EU ready for Brexit referendum

(VOVworld)- On June 23, British voters will vote to decide whether to stay or leave the EU after more than 40 years as an EU member. Remain and Leave campaigns...
Opinium: more British want to stay in EU

Opinium: more British want to stay in EU

(VOVworld) – The number of British people who want to stay in the European Union has risen over the past four weeks, an online poll by market research company Opinium Research...
Ukraine: OSCE SMM observers shot at

Ukraine: OSCE SMM observers shot at

(VOVworld) - A vehicle of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was damaged by small-arms fire on Saturday in eastern Ukraine...