PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Vietnam and the US create breakthroughs in cooperation in science-technology, innovation, and education-training at a meeting with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai...
EVFTA opens door wider for Vietnamese goods

EVFTA opens door wider for Vietnamese goods

(VOVWORLD) - The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) plays a key role in bringing Vietnamese agro-fishery products into the European market, according to Vietnam’s Trade Counselor in Belgium...
Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

(VOVWORLD) - War Invalids and Martyrs Day, July 27, is an event of great significance to Vietnamese people. This is a day when the Party, army, and people of Vietnam pay tribute to revolutionary predecessors,...
New developments in Vietnam-Singapore relations

New developments in Vietnam-Singapore relations

(VOVWORLD) - On Monday, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son began an official visit to Singapore. The two-day visit is part of high-level delegation exchanges between the two countries this year...