Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A: Alex, in Vietnam, we have a great number of songs about our beloved President Ho Chi Minh. The songs praise Uncle Ho’s love for children, soldiers, the Vietnamese people and the nation...
Vietnam-Japan relations in fruitful period

Vietnam-Japan relations in fruitful period

(VOVworld) – Vietnam – Japan relations are experiencing a fruitful period, To Huy Rua, Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President of the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group said...
Narrow path to peace in Syria

Narrow path to peace in Syria

(VOVworld) – An international peace conference will be held in Geneva next week at the initiative of Russia and the US to try to put an end to the prolonged crisis in...
Vietnam participates in Cambodia exhibition

Vietnam participates in Cambodia exhibition

(VOV) - The 7th Cambodia Import-Export & One province One Product Exhibition opened in Phnom Penh on Saturday, attracting 200 businesses from 20 countries including 37 from Vietnam