US-Iran tension escalates

US-Iran tension escalates

(VOVWORLD) - Concerns about a new conflict in the Middle East have increased following the Pentagon’s deployment of an aircraft carrier and a bomber wing in the Arabian Gulf to...
US sanctions on Iran: double-edged sword

US sanctions on Iran: double-edged sword

(VOVWORLD) - 6 months after re-imposing sanctions on Iran’s crude oil, US President Donald Trump on Monday took a stronger step by ending exemptions from sanctions for 8 countries still buying oil from Iran,...
New season concert “Around the world”

New season concert “Around the world”

(VOVWORLD) - “Around the world” was a new season concert held at the Hanoi Opera House this week. The show treated the audience to a musical party of cultural colors from...
War veteran offers free classes for 20 years

War veteran offers free classes for 20 years

(VOVWORLD) - War veteran Nguyen Huu Thoi, also known as Mr. Ba Thoi, has been operating classes for poor children, free of charge, for 20 years. He is no stranger to the people in My Binh Ward, Long...
US vows tough sanctions on Iran

US vows tough sanctions on Iran

(VOVWORLD) -US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday that the United States will enforce the sanctions it is reimposing on Iran after President Donald Trump pulled out of the...
May Day marked worldwide

May Day marked worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of Cubans on Tuesday marched in a ceremony co-chaired by Party leader Raul Castro and President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Revolution Square, in Havana, to celebrate International Workers’ Day (May...