US troops to remain in Syria

US troops to remain in Syria

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump has decided to keep US forces in Syria for the time being. Mr Trump agreed at a National Security Council meeting that 2,000 US...
CPTPP signing date set in March

CPTPP signing date set in March

(VOVWORLD) - Eleven remaining member nations to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) have agreed to sign the deal at an official ceremony slated for March, Japanese...
1-year rule of President Donald Trump

1-year rule of President Donald Trump

(VOVWORLD) -December 18, 2016 was a historic day in US history, when Donald Trump became the 45th US President. Over the past year he has made important decisions affecting Americans...
Wednesday October 25, 2017

Wednesday October 25, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, a weekly feature dedicated to our listeners around the world
UK pulls out of London Fisheries Convention

UK pulls out of London Fisheries Convention

(VOVWORLD) - The UK announced on Sunday its withdrawal from the London Fisheries Convention, which, for the past 50 years, allowed foreign countries to fish in British waters. This is...
Vietnamese paddy crab noodles

Vietnamese paddy crab noodles

(VOVWORLD) - Beside famous "Pho", there are other awesome noodle dishes in Vietnamese cuisine. For example, paddy crab noodles. The broth, the rice vermicelli noodles, the crab paste, and the beautiful selection of condiments...
Fish Porridge for Kids

Fish Porridge for Kids

(VOVWORLD) - Fish Porridge is a good option for young children, since it’s easy to prepare and you can pack a good deal of nutrition into a single dish. Fish porridge cooked the right way...
Sweden terror attack leaves 19 casualties

Sweden terror attack leaves 19 casualties

(VOVworld) – 4 people were killed and 15 injured when a truck crashed into a crowd in central Stockholm on Friday, the Swedish police reported, adding that they have arrested 2...
Japanese rickshaw trippers stop for Da Nang visit

Japanese rickshaw trippers stop for Da Nang visit

(VOVworld)- Three young Japanese travelers – Suzuki Yuuji, Hirano Ken and Takahashi Keisuke – paid a stop at the central city during their world Jinrikisha (hand-pulled rickshaw) tour on February 28
EU condemns Ukraine clashes

EU condemns Ukraine clashes

(VOVworld) - The European Union on Tuesday condemned recent clashes in eastern Ukraine between separatists and government forces, calling the fighting a violation of the Minsk truce. The separatists and government troops...