Passenger transport to/from Da Nang resumes

Passenger transport to/from Da Nang resumes

(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Transport has just sent a document to its affiliates on restoring operation of passenger means of transport to or from Da Nang city from 0 hour...
India refutes China’s border statement

India refutes China’s border statement

(VOVWORLD) - India says China’s statement that Chinese and Indian frontline troops have ‘completed’ disengagement at most locations along their border, is incorrect
Van Don-Da Nang flight resumes

Van Don-Da Nang flight resumes

(VOVWORLD) -From July 30, Van Don airport in the northen province of Quang Ninh will officially reopen the Van Don-Da Nang route, which is operated by Vietnam Airlines
The truth is always the strongest argument

The truth is always the strongest argument

(VOVWORLD) - International experts and media have been trying to explain Vietnam’s extraordinary success in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. Vietnam has gone 70 days with no new community transmissions, almost...
Let’s save energy

Let’s save energy

(VOVWORLD) - Since it was launched 13 years ago, the “Earth hour” campaign has become an annual event encouraging the community to turn off electrical devices to save energy and protect the...