ASEAN not behind the 4th industrial revolution

ASEAN not behind the 4th industrial revolution

(VOVWORLD) - The World Economic Forum on ASEAN will take place in Hanoi on September 11-13. It’s an important conference of the World Economic Forum and a major diplomatic event of Vietnam...
Germany’s ruling coalition under threat of uncertainty

Germany’s ruling coalition under threat of uncertainty

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's governing coalition between the CDU-CSU alliance was facing an uncertain future, as her hardline conservative interior minister Horst Seehofer offered his resignation this Sunday...
 NGO helps make life better for disadvantaged youths

NGO helps make life better for disadvantaged youths

(VOVWORLD) - Over the years, vocational training and employment support for disadvantaged young people in Vietnam has received attention from administrations at all levels, businesses, and said organizations. REACH is a local...
CPTPP signing date set in March

CPTPP signing date set in March

(VOVWORLD) - Eleven remaining member nations to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) have agreed to sign the deal at an official ceremony slated for March, Japanese...
UK protects marine environment

UK protects marine environment

(VOVWORLD) - A plastic microbeads ban has been in effect in the UK since Tuesday, one of the severest restrictions on use of the harmful tiny beads
Countries work to reduce plastic waste

Countries work to reduce plastic waste

(VOVWORLD) - At the Our Ocean international conference in Malta on Friday, several countries announced their plans to ban the use of micro plastic and disposable plastic products. This is one...
New study on factors behind cancer

New study on factors behind cancer

(VOVworld) – Cancer has been blamed on genetic mutations and an unhealthy lifestyle. But results of a study by American scientists announced on March 23rd shows that even those with careful...
House vote on Obamacare delayed

House vote on Obamacare delayed

(VOVworld) - President Donald Trump demanded a House of Representatives vote on a Republican plan to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act on Friday, putting intense pressure on...
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

B: We’d like to thank Gerry Newmann for his great gift, a book of English culture and traditions throughout the year. We like the book every much, Gerry. It’s a...
Asia-Pacific trade and integration in the new era

Asia-Pacific trade and integration in the new era

(VOVworld) – The US-based Asia Society Policy Institute recently released a report entitled “Charting a course for trade and economic integration in the Asia-Pacific.” Amid challenges facing global trade,...