The US: IS campaign is succeeding

The US: IS campaign is succeeding

(VOVworld) – The US-led air strike campaign targeting the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) is on the right track and has achieved success in its early days, said White House...
Wednesday June 26, 2013

Wednesday June 26, 2013

Since we launched the new feature “Colorful Vietnam, Vietnam’s 54 ethic groups”, we received a lot of positive feedback from listeners. Jorg-Clemens Hoffmann of Germany wrote in his reception report for the...

France: New outbreak of urban unrest

France has suffered a fresh outbreak of urban unrest, with three police officers wounded in an attack by a crowd firing shotguns and lobbing petrol bombs. The unrest began after a police...
May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012

This week we continued to receive letters from listeners in North America who tuned in to our broadcasts on 6175 kHz and expressed concerns that the closing of the Canadian...