Hamas says it is ready to negotiate with Israel

Hamas says it is ready to negotiate with Israel

(VOVWORLD) - The leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, said Sunday that the group is still prepared to negotiate with Israel, despite the failure of intermediaries thus far to secure a ceasefire...
AQAP confirms death of leader

AQAP confirms death of leader

(VOVWORLD) - Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) announced the death of their leader Khalid bin Umar Batarfi in a statement on Sunday
US President calls for Gaza ceasefire

US President calls for Gaza ceasefire

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden said in an MSNBC interview on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has the rights to defend Israel, but must pay more attention to the...
Sweden joins NATO

Sweden joins NATO

(VOVWORLD) - Sweden joined NATO on Thursday, two years after the Russia-Ukraine conflict forced it to rethink its national security policy and conclude that joining the alliance was Sweden's...
Wednesday March 6, 2024

Wednesday March 6, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - We were very happy to receive congratulations from our listeners for International Women’s Day on Friday. It’s a day to celebrate women – mothers, wives, sisters, friends, and many...
Vietnam gives top priority to public healthcare

Vietnam gives top priority to public healthcare

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnamese Doctor’s Day, observed on February 27th, is a day to honor doctors and medical workers and acknowledge the achievements of the health sector. The top goal of the Vietnamese Party and...
Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

(VOVWORLD) -Worshipping ancestors plays a special role in the spiritual life of Vietnamese people. The worship space is a sacred area and the family altar demonstrates solemnity and respect to one...
Traditional festivals promoted as cultural resources

Traditional festivals promoted as cultural resources

(VOVWORLD) - These days, hundreds of festivals are taking place in provinces and cities across Vietnam. Preserving and promoting traditional cultural values through festivals is of great importance to consolidate national cultural...