Rattan papooses of the Ede

Rattan papooses of the Ede

(VOVWORLD) - The papoose is a popular accessory of Ede women wherever they go. They carry food, farm produce and wood to or from the fields or the market. H Xiu...
Vietnam-Laos ties fostered

Vietnam-Laos ties fostered

(VOVWORLD) - Celebrations of the 70th traditional day of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in Laos (October 30, 1949 - 2019) are underway in both countries. These activities strengthen the friendship and...
Shoulder bamboo basket of Thai women

Shoulder bamboo basket of Thai women

(VOVWORLD) - Thai women in Vietnam’s northwest region always wear shoulder bamboo baskets when they work in terraced fields or go to the forest to pick vegetables and fruit. A...
 Boiled pork wrapped in rice paper

Boiled pork wrapped in rice paper

(VOVWORLD) - During this scorching summer, it’s quite uncomfortable to cook over a hot stove. But you still deserve to eat well, right? To that end, we're here to save...
Ice hockey in Finland

Ice hockey in Finland

(VOVWORLD) - Although ice hockey is not the Finnish national sport, it is by far the most popular sport when measured by attendances and by national television coverage. Despite the country’s tiny population,...
National ASEAN 2020 Committee makes debut

National ASEAN 2020 Committee makes debut

(VOVWORLD) - The National ASEAN 2020 committee, tasked with making preparations for Vietnam to shoulder the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2020, made debut in Hanoi on Monday


Highlights: - Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson reportedly split - Amy Winehouse's hologram is set to go on tour - More details on Barack and Michelle Obama's project with Netflix - Tips...
New EU president faces challenges

New EU president faces challenges

(VOVWORLD) - Austria assumed the rotating EU presidency on July 1. In its 6-month term, the government of Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz will have to make important decisions on uniting or...
Cuba starts historic transition

Cuba starts historic transition

(VOVWORLD) - Cuba has started a historic transition in which President Raul Castro will step down and hand over his power to a younger successor meaning that for the first time...
Vietnam-Cuba comprehensive cooperation tightened

Vietnam-Cuba comprehensive cooperation tightened

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is on a pay a state visit to Cuba amid flourishing bilateral ties. Last year, the two countries held several exchanges from state level to ministries, sectors, organizations...
Russia, West renew tensions

Russia, West renew tensions

(VOVWORLD) - Russia-EU relations are once again strained following the expulsion of more than 100 Russian diplomats across Europe and North America