Businesses supported in integration

Businesses supported in integration

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has accelerated its international economic integration by signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and joining the ASEAN Economic Community. This year the Ministry of Industry and Trade hopes to increase exports...
Foreigners and Vietnam’s traditional Tet holiday

Foreigners and Vietnam’s traditional Tet holiday

(VOVworld) – Spring is spreading across Vietnam. For foreigners living and working in the country, the traditional Lunar New Year is special because through the holiday they can see different aspects of...
FDI improvement in 2015

FDI improvement in 2015

(VOVworld) – Despite global fluctuations in 2015, Vietnam has attracted a great deal of foreign direct investment capital. By the end of last month, newly registered or expanded FDI for Vietnam...
Important policies come into force in July, 2015

Important policies come into force in July, 2015

(VOVworld) – Ten new laws will come into force on July 1, 2015. The laws, which cover enterprises, land, housing, and real estate issues, are considered breakthroughs in socio-economic development...
HCM City boosts credit growth

HCM City boosts credit growth

(VOVworld) – In the first quarter of this year, Ho Chi Minh City’s total credit surplus expanded 2.3% against late last year and posted a year-on-year increase of 14...