Brexit delay in the UK

Brexit delay in the UK

(VOVworld)- Despite the clear result of the referendum on Brexit on June 23, British politicians and public are not yet ready to leave the EU. The UK is experiencing one...
Political turmoil in Brazil

Political turmoil in Brazil

(VOVworld) – Brazil’s lower house has voted for President Dilma Rousseff's impeachment 367 to 137 with 7 abstentions. Rousseff is accused of hiding a budgetary deficit to win re...
Myanmar has new President

Myanmar has new President

(VOVworld) - Htin Kyaw of the National League for Democracy (NLD), nominated by the Lower House, was elected Myanmar’s new President in the parliamentary election on Tuesday
UN is always Vietnam’s important supporter

UN is always Vietnam’s important supporter

(VOVworld) – The UN will always be an important partner backing Vietnam to handle its post-2015 challenges. Pratibha Mehta, the UN coordinator in Vietnam, told the press that the Vietnamese...
Yemen rejects Iran’s peace plan

Yemen rejects Iran’s peace plan

(VOVworld)- Yemen's government has rejected a four-point peace plan for the country that Iran submitted to the United Nations, a spokesman said on Saturday
Ireland to enhance cooperation with ASEAN

Ireland to enhance cooperation with ASEAN

(VOVworld) – Ireland’s new Ambassador to ASEAN Kyle O'Sullivan pledged to promote Ireland's closer cooperative relations with ASEAN after presenting his credentials to ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong...
Syrian opposition members start Moscow talks

Syrian opposition members start Moscow talks

(VOVworld) – Syrian opposition figures on Monday began four days of talks in Moscow on how to end the near four-year conflict. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov said that 25 members of the...
Venezuela accuses opposition leaders

Venezuela accuses opposition leaders

(VOVworld) – Venezuelan officials officially accused opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez of inciting violence, destroying public assets, and plotting violent demonstration against the government