Changes in China’s Spring Festival celebration

Changes in China’s Spring Festival celebration

(VOVWORLD) - As in Vietnam, Spring Festival or Lunar New Year is the grandest festival and longest public holiday in China. During this period China is dominated by red lanterns, loud fireworks, massive banquets...
Wednesday January 13, 2021

Wednesday January 13, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - We continue to receive New Year’s greetings from listeners around the world. We’re happy to learn that our listeners are keeping in good health and safe from...
Tan Trao revolutionary base lives on in memory

Tan Trao revolutionary base lives on in memory

(VOVWORLD) - In May, 1945, after moving from Cao Bang to Tuyen Quang province to direct the national revolution, President Ho Chi Minh chose Tan Trao commune to set up a revolutionary base for...
Interesting facts about Albania

Interesting facts about Albania

(VOVWORLD) - In addition to its Mediterranean climate, golden beaches, mountainous landscapes, and interesting history, Albania also boasts delicious local cuisine, friendly people, and has much more to offer. On today’s Cultural Rendezvous...
Wednesday September 18, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - A regular listener, Richard Nowak of the US, said: “I enjoyed tonight’s show on 7315 khz, listening with a Hallicrafters SX-25 Super Defiant tube receiver attached to an...
Regional news agencies unite to fight fake news

Regional news agencies unite to fight fake news

(VOVWORLD) - Representatives of news agencies in the Asia-Pacific region are gathering in Hanoi to discuss strategies of news agencies in response to changes in information use, video clips and...
Wednesday April 17, 2019

Wednesday April 17, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Happy Bengali New Year to our Bangladeshi listeners. The Bengali New Year – also known as Poila Baishakh – is the first day of the Bengali calendar and is celebrated on either...