Tensions rise in Middle East

Tensions rise in Middle East

(VOVWORLD) - Tensions are escalating in the Middle East following the Trump administration’s decision to deploy more troops to the region in the wake of attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil...
US presses Iran back to negotiations

US presses Iran back to negotiations

(VOVWORLD) - Though Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for the September 14 drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities on September 14, the US and its Middle East allies are blaming Iran for the attacks...
US, North Korea nuclear talks face obstacles

US, North Korea nuclear talks face obstacles

(VOVWORLD) - US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said in a press conference on Tuesday, that the US has not returned to the negotiation table with North Korea as quickly as it...
 US hopes to resume talks with North Korea

US hopes to resume talks with North Korea

(VOVWORLD) - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday he hopes working-level talks to revive denuclearization talks with North Korea could occur very soon but emphasized that a follow...
Trump rejects Iran's spy ring accusations

Trump rejects Iran's spy ring accusations

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump has vehemently denied Tehran’s claims that Iranian security agencies have arrested 17 suspects and sentenced some of them to death after dismantling a CIA spy...