Human resource development in digital era

(VOVWORLD) - 120 Vietnamese policy-makers, scholars, and human resource managers gathered in Hanoi on Wednesday to discuss the relations of human resource development, innovation, and evolution in the digital era. 
Human resource development in digital era - ảnh 1(Photo:

At the 18th Asian International Research Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development, delegates evaluated how global digitalization and many other factors impact HRD practices for organizational learning, performance, and sustainable development.

Nguyen Thi Kim Phung, Director of the Tertiary Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Training, said Vietnam’s labour productivity is far behind other ASEAN countries. She called for stronger mindset change in education and training.

“Tertiary education should be reformed from model to structure and mindset. It’s necessary to adapt to lifelong learning concept. Re-training of workers, even those having high degrees, is an important task to ensure that our human resource can meet rapid changes in the world,” Phung said.

