Vietnam supports efforts towards Korean Peninsula denuclearization

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has always supported all efforts to counter proliferation and denuclearize the Korean Peninsula by peaceful means, in line with international law, including the UN Charter, said Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN .

Vietnam supports efforts towards Korean Peninsula denuclearization  - ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN, speaks at the UN meeting (Photo: VOV)

Mr. Giang made the statement during the recent UN meetings on the vetoed draft resolution in the Security Council on May 26 aimed at tightening the sanctions regime against North Korea over its renewed ballistic missile launches.

Ambassador Giang affirmed that Vietnam always pays close attention to and monitors the situation on the Korean Peninsula. He expressed his concerns about recent developments that may increase tensions on the Peninsula, adding that Vietnam does not support actions that affect regional peace and security.

He said Vietnam will continue to call on the international community to provide humanitarian assistance to North Korea when the country is facing difficulties due to natural disasters, diseases, and other humanitarian issues.

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