Vietnamese Year in France kicks off

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh worked with 30 French travel companies on Friday on ways to attract more visitors to Vietnam. This was part of activities this year to celebrate 40 years of bilateral diplomatic ties that Vietnam and France kicked off the same day at Chatelet Theatre in Paris.

During his visit to France, the Vietnamese Minister met with UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, President of the French Institute Xavier Darcos, and French Minister of Culture Aurelie Filippetti. He witnessed the signing of a MoU on audiovisual materials between the Vietnam Film Institute and France's National Audiovisual Institute.

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MoU on audiovisual materials is signed by the Vietnam Film Institute and France's National Audiovisual Institute. (Photo: VOV)

While working with Bokova, the Minister promised Vietnam’s efforts to fulfill its membership of the World Heritage Committee. Bokova applauded Vietnam’s heritage preservation achievements and proposed that Vietnam sends more young personnel to learn and work at UNESCO.

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Vietnamese Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh worked and UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova (Photo: VOV)

During talks with Filippetti and Darcos, Minister Tuan Anh said cultural cooperation is a priority area, particularly after the two countries lifted their relationship to a strategic partnership.

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Vietnamese Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh presents a gift to President of the French Institute Xavier Darcos. (Photo: VOV)

Minister Anh said: "Vietnam and France share a range of similarities. Cultural similarities have brought us closer to become strategic partners."

100 activities during the Vietnamese Year in France will create the biggest opportunity ever to promote the image of Vietnam among the French.
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