Vietnam-EU relationship prosper

(VOVworld)- Vietnam and the EU will celebrate the 25th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2015. On the occasion, a Vietnam News Agency reporter in Belgium interviewed Head of the Vietnamese delegation to the EU Ambassador Vuong Thua Phong. Phong said the EU is the top partner of Vietnam’s foreign policy.
Vietnam-EU relationship prosper - ảnh 1

The two sides have witnessed rapid developments of their relationship over the years. They signed the Partnership Cooperation Agreement thus boosting bilateral ties in security, politics, education, culture, environmental protection and climate change. Among Vietnam’s 13 strategic partners, 5 are EU members: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. EU member countries are Vietnam’s strategic partners in various fields. In the coming time, the two sides will sign the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement which will mark a major milestone in bilateral ties. Ambassador Phong said in addition to increasing delegation exchanges, Vietnam and the EU will organize a number of seminars, conferences, and cultural exchanges to mark the 25th anniversary of diplomatic ties. The Vietnamese delegation to the EU will make debut the EU-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarian Organization at the EU Parliament and sign the EVFTA.

Phong said the two sides are exerting efforts to sign EVFTA in Hanoi in the first half of this year. Phong said overseas Vietnamese people in Belgium are dynamic and well integrate into the local community.

