WHO warns of close control on H7N9 human infections

WHO warns of close control on H7N9 human infections

(VOVworld) – The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concerns about the H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in China, confirming that there is no evidence of changes in the epidemiological or clinical...
Bird flu spreads around the world

Bird flu spreads around the world

(VOVworld)- The H7N9 Avian Influenza is breaking out in a number of countries. This is the fifth H7N9 epidemic since 2013 and í seeing the highest number of cases
New human H7N9 case in China

New human H7N9 case in China

(VOVworld) - Shenzhen City in China's Guangdong Province on Monday reported a new human infection of H7N9 bird flu. A six-year-old girl has tested positive for H7N9 and is...
Preventing influenza in poultry and humans

Preventing influenza in poultry and humans

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Health has organized 9 teams to respond to the flu epidemic in border provinces and cities and provinces that have detected the disease in poultry
China detects new case of H7N9

China detects new case of H7N9

(VOVworld) - Another case of H7N9 was reported in east China's Zhejiang Province on Sunday, according to the provincial Health and Family Planning Commission

China confirms 20 H7N9 deaths

According to the Chinese National Health and Family Planning Commission on Sunday, there have been two more deaths of human H7N9 avian influenza in Zhejiang Province
Localities step up fight against bird flu

Localities step up fight against bird flu

(VOVworld) – Ministries, departments, and localities have followed the government’s urging to strengthen their precautions against the two strains of bird flu H7N9 and H5N1
Vietnam braces for H7N9 avian flu

Vietnam braces for H7N9 avian flu

(VOV) - The Ministry of Health has worked with the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh city and Tan Son Nhat International Airport on measures to halt a...