VOV forges closer ties with National Radio of Romania

VOV forges closer ties with National Radio of Romania - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – Radio the Voice of Vietnam and the National Radio of Romania have signed a cooperative agreement to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. The signing ceremony took place on Friday at the National Radio Broadcasting Center  at 58 Quan Su street, Hanoi in the presence of VOV Director General Nguyen Dang Tien and his Romanian counterpart Ovidiu Miculescu. Under the new agreement, which replaces the previous agreement signed  on July 24, 2001, both sides will exchange radio and music programs to provide people of each country with updated information about culture, politics, economics, tourism and society. Both stations will also produce radio programs about each other country: land, people and the Vietnam-Romania friendship. VOV Director General Nguyen Dang Tien said at the signing ceremony: “Radio the Voice of Vietnam has provided the National Radio of Romania with unique music programs about Vietnam’s history and President Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary activities. The first program was a success, receiving positive feedback from the audience. It marked the successful exchange of programs between two radio stations. With the signing of the new agreement today, we fully believe in another significant step of development of the cooperative friendship between the two radio stations.”

Valeriu Arteni, Charge d'affaires of the Romanian Embassy in Vietnam, who attended the signing ceremony, expressed his hope for the effective cooperation between the two national broadcasters.

