Boosting Vietnam – Singapore comprehensive cooperation

(VOVworld) - The relations between Vietnam and Singapore have continuously developed in various fields. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s on-going visit to Singapore will deepen bilateral relations in the future.
Boosting Vietnam – Singapore comprehensive cooperation - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

This is the second visit to Singapore by a Vietnamese Party General Secretary since the 1st one by General Secretary Do Muoi in 1993.

Over the years, Vietnam and Singapore have regularly exchanged high-level visits such as President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to Singapore in September last year and Singaporean President Tony Tan Keng Yam’s visit to Vietnam last April.  The two countries signed the Joint Statement on Comprehensive Cooperation Framework in the 21st century in 2004 and the Connectivity Framework in 2005. These are the legal foundation for boosting multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries especially in finance, investment, trade and services, transport, post and telecommunications, and education.

Since 1996, Singapore has been one of Vietnam’s top trading partners. The country has invested in more than 1,000 projects in Vietnam with a registered capital of nearly 23 billion USD. Vietnam has poured over 614 million USD into 41 projects in Singapore. The Vietnam – Singapore industrial zones in Binh Duong, Bac Ninh, and Hai Phong have proved the effectiveness of Singapore’s investment in Vietnam. Two-way trade turnover has increased to a record high of 12 billion USD in 2008. The figure fell to 8.7 billion USD last year due to the global economic recession.

In recent years, defense cooperation has been strengthened through reciprocal ministerial visits and a bilateral cooperation mechanism. The two countries have seen fruitful results in educational cooperation. Since 2000, Singapore has provided Vietnam nearly 200 scholarships annually. Approximately 9,000 Vietnamese students are currently studying in Singapore.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in October, 1993, during Party leader Do Muoi’s visit to Singapore, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the People’s Action Party of Singapore have maintained a good relationship and exchanged visits to discuss Party-building work, managerial experience, and personnel training.

Party leader Trong’s visit aims to implement Vietnam’s policy of global integration, respecting and prioritizing relations with regional countries, and confirming Vietnam’s responsibility, along with Singapore and other ASEAN nations, to build a united and strong ASEAN community for a peaceful, friendly, cooperative and developed region. The visit also helps foster relations between the two ruling Parties, which will lay a firm political foundation for higher-level cooperation.

Leaders of both countries will examine measures to boost comprehensive cooperation toward the signing of a new cooperative framework next year and in anticipation of the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties. They will also exchange views on regional and international issues. Party leader Trong’s visit will serve the interest and development of the two countries, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in Southeast Asia and the world. 

