Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

(VOVWORLD) - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress identifies three strategic breakthroughs for national development. One of them is developing infrastructure for information and telecommunications to create a foundation for national digital transformation, heading to a digital economy and digital society. To realize the Resolution, the Prime Minister approved Project 06, a database project on population, personal identification, and electronic authentication to serve national digital transformation from 2022 to 2025, with a vision to 2030.
Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs the 6th meeting of National Committee for Digital Transformation and the working team to implement the Project 06 of the government. (photo: VGP)

After a year of implementing the project, the digital economy now covers a large portion of many sectors and localities. The national database on population has been widely used to create breakthrough reforms and serve socio-economic development.

People and businesses are the goal and master of development

Duc Giang hospital in Long Bien district, Hanoi, uses electronic ID cards or the VneID app in place of insurance cards. Patients scan the QR code on their ID card to register for medical examinations and treatment.

A patient named Nguyen Manh Hung said: “Previously I had to show my health insurance card at the hospital. Now that I have an electronic ID card, I use this card to register to see a doctor. It’s convenient and fast.”

Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Deputy Director of the IT Center of the Vietnam Social Security, said Project 06 is important for digital transformation. It creates convenient and practical services and benefits for people and businesses. The Vietnam Social Security has verified 83 million personal information accounts in its database with the national population database and shared 107 million medical insurance records with the national population database.

“The social security sector handles an average of 300 million rounds of electronic public services, including 200 million rounds of medical checkups and treatment. If half of them are processed through electronic ID accounts, it will save citizens the cost of travel and administrative service fees, increase convenience and transparency, and shorten time,” said Mr. Phuong.

Digital transformation and technology application in public services has created a strong breakthrough. Services which had to be done at administrative agencies, such as registering for passports and driving licenses, making tax declaration, and registering for electricity service, are now processed online to save time and the cost of travelling and printing and storing documents.

Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution - ảnh 2Vo Quang Lam, Deputy General Director of Electricity of Vietnam (Photo:

Vo Quang Lam, Deputy General Director of Electricity of Vietnam, said: “This is a giant step in the process of electricity supply. It saves a lot of time for individuals and businesses applying for an electricity contract. In addition to connecting with localities to make it convenient for people to use the national public service portal, we also connect with partners including banks, intermediary organizations, and other agencies, to create a utility for customers.”

To build a foundation for successful digital transformation

The national population database has connected with 13 ministries, one state business, three telecommunication businesses, and 63 provinces to verify information.

As of June, 212 million documents have been synchronized on the national public service portal, including 18 million online documents. On the 25 essential e-public services, many public services have recorded high rates, such as residential notification at 99.9% and permanent residence registration at 90%.

At a national online conference to review national digital transformation in the first half of this year and Project 06, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said: “Project 06 is an important project. We need to mobilize all resources and the participation of the political system, people, and businesses. People and businesses should be placed at the center. We need to be strongly determined to create a strong breakthrough in national digital transformation and the implementation of Project 06.”

The 13th National Party Congress has completed half of its term. Digital transformation has made a breakthrough with a ‘tripod’ of digital government, digital economy, and digital society. The successful implementation of Project 06 is an important premise for the successful realization of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

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