Diplomacy for national interests and integration targets

(VOVworld) – At present, the Vietnamese economy is wide open, creating multiple opportunities and challenges. Finding ways to protect national interests while falling in line with international rules is a key task of the diplomatic sector and the highlight of the 28th Diplomatic Conference in Hanoi.

Diplomacy for national interests and integration targets - ảnh 1
The 28th Diplomatic Conference in Hanoi (photo: VGP/ Quang Hieu)

Every two years, Vietnamese diplomatic agencies from around the world gather at the Diplomatic Conference in Hanoi. This year’s 28th Conference took place 12 years after the Party Politburo issued a resolution on “International economic integration”. The 6-day conference analyzed domestic and international situations and set out detailed tasks for deeper international integration for national interests.

Effectively supporting economic development

Since the previous conference 2 years ago, the diplomatic sector has made considerable contributions to national socio-economic development. The sector has fulfilled its role in the implementation of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy in the new period. The sector has also pro-actively studied major development trends and other countries’ lessons in order to advise the government in managing the macro-economy and in economic reform.

Diplomatic activities have supported the lobbying of other countries to recognize Vietnam’s market economy status and draw more Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) while striving against trade protection and discrimination. Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc Cuong said: “These are differences that we have to fight by using US and Vietnamese Law and other mechanisms such as the World Trade Organization. The more trade relationships develop, the more trade disputes appear. Domestic functional agencies and the Vietnamese diplomatic office in the US will continue to help Vietnamese enterprises overcome tariff and non-tariff barriers.

Diplomacy has actively boosted Free Trade Agreement negotiations, by identifying strategic, political, and economic interests for Vietnam’s long lasting partnerships with all major economic and political powers around the world. Vietnamese Ambassador to the EU Pham Sanh Chau said that in order to fulfill economic and diplomatic tasks it’s important to anticipate the local situation and make recommendations to the Party and Government on external policies. “The EU has deployed an active external policy which focuses more on Asia, especially ASEAN, including Vietnam. We have enhanced multifaceted relations with the bloc. We are negotiating a comprehensive cooperation partnership agreement which will be a legal platform for Vietnam-EU cooperation in the future. We expect to complete negotiations on the Vietnam-EU free trade agreement next year.” Chau said.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Indonesia Nguyen Xuan Thuy said the diplomatic office should analyze policy changes in other countries and their impacts on Vietnam’s security and development and make prompt recommendations to the government. Despite global difficulties, Vietnam-Indonesia trade revenue has remained steady at 4.7 billion USD and the two countries have established a strategic partnership. Thuy said: “Indonesia has emerged as a potential market. Indonesia has made changes in its macro-policy and promoted its role internationally. We are responsible for studying the changes to make prompt suggestions to the government of appropriate cooperative measures.”

Vietnamese goods have been exported to 200 countries and territories. This year, Vietnam has met its set targets for exports in all markets, thanks in large part to diplomatic agencies abroad.  

Working together for integration targets

The Conference took place with Vietnam undergoing many changes. Recommendations by diplomatic agencies will be useful in better implementing external relations policy and integration targets to obtain even greater achievements for the nation.

