Get prepared for extreme weather

(VOVworld)- Extreme weather and unusual natural disasters are likely to increase this year. So, people in high-risk areas need to get prepared to minimize their losses from adverse weather conditions.

The El Nino phenomenon and climate change are causing unusual weather and extreme climate patterns with serious consequences for Vietnam. It’s estimated that in the first four months of this year, Vietnam lost 9.7 trillion VND because of natural disasters, much more than in all of last year.

Get prepared for extreme weather - ảnh 1
Dak Lak province is seriously hit by drought

The El Nino phenomenon is expected to end later this year and the La Nina phenomenon, the converse of El Nino, will begin. Dr. Hoang Duc Cuong is Director of the Central Center for Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting: “Due to La Nina, floods and abnormal rains will come in 2016. Torrential rain will cause flash floods in several regions in the north. The weather in coastal regions is forecast to be more complicated than in 2015. Storms and low pressures will move toward the west and will likely cause the sea water to rise. Strong northeast winds in the later months of the year, combined with higher tide, are likely to cause flooding in estuaries”.

Get prepared for extreme weather - ảnh 2
Dak Lak province is seriously hit by drought

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has asked for plans to cope with flooding, droughts, and salt intrusion. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Head of the Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, says localities need to get the community involved: “Preparing for natural disaster is very important and the community plays a key role in that process. When a disaster occurs, the community is the most effective force and the people need to be organized to support each other. So, I call on localities to work out community-based plans to respond to natural disasters”.

Complicated and abnormal weather developments may occur anywhere. It’s important to map out thorough plans covering solutions, equipment, and forces in order to minimize losses.

