Human rights education promoted in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Human rights play an important role in the system of values that mankind has created. It is a goal, a driving force, and a condition to promote other values. Respecting and promoting human rights has become an inevitable global trend in which human rights education has become an urgent requirement. Vietnam has been promoting human rights education throughout the system.
Human rights education promoted in Vietnam - ảnh 1Human rights education is promoted in Vietnam

Vietnam has organized multiple human rights education activities among people of all strata and classes in society and help them know how to protect their own rights and respect the rights of others in accordance with international and national laws on human rights.

The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the foundation for Vietnam’s human rights education activities. It says “The UN General Assembly proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms.”

The education of human rights in Vietnam is carried out at different levels with various forms and methods following the guidelines of the Vietnamese Party and State on combining common and specific features of human rights in the perception and resolution of human rights issues, which say, “Human rights are class-based and at the same time a human value, and human rights and national rights are basically unified”; "Human rights depend on the level of economic, social, and cultural development and traditions of the nation"; and "Human rights and citizen rights must be protected by the legal system".

Human rights education in Vietnam has contributed to shortening the process of building a law-governed socialist state, creating contents and values for the law-governed state, and ensuring the practice of the law-governed state while promoting and protecting the citizens’ legitimate rights and interests.

Vietnam has obtained remarkable achievements in the education of human rights and citizen rights, especially the education of children's rights and women’s rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. The Party and State have set guidelines and policies on the education of human rights and citizen rights and assigned agencies in charge. Training courses and national action programs on women's rights and children's rights have been implemented. All these achievements have created conditions for Vietnam’s international integration.

The education of human rights and citizen rights in Vietnam has contributed to shaping Vietnamese people’s personality in socialism and raising public awareness of the need to continue this activity in the future. It also pushes the need to improve Vietnam’s legal system in line with international conventions on human rights.

In order to promote human rights education in Vietnam, education materials concerning human rights and citizen rights have been made appropriate to each target group. Vietnam also includes the education of human rights and citizen rights in school curricula. Different educational and communications methods have been applied to make the education of human rights more effective at school and on mass media.

The State has allocated an appropriate amount of funding for communications activities and scientific workshops on human rights in Vietnam.

