Implementing new Constitution

(VOVworld) – Implementation of the new Constitution, which took effect on January 1, is being accelerated. A national conference declared the implementation of the Constitution a key task of the entire political system.

Implementing new Constitution  - ảnh 1
The national conference on implementation of the 2013 Constitution (photo: VNA)

The Constitution was adopted by the 13th National Assembly on November 28th, 2013, and came into force on January 1, 2014. Implementation of the Constitution must improve the awareness of Vietnamese people around the world, identify the responsibility of every agency, ensure the Constitution’s proper application in all sectors, and generate momentum for the national renewal process.

The entire political system should be involved

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said the political system, including the Party Secretariat, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee, and the central government, is actively enforcing the Constitution.Following the Constitution’s adoption, the 13th National Assembly issued a resolution on implementing it. On January 2, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee issued a resolution on the plan to enforce the Constitution. On January 3, the Party Secretariat issued a directive on implementing the Constitution throughout the Party. The National Assembly’s Standing Committee introduced guidelines relating to the power of the President, National Assembly, and the National Assembly’s Standing Committee. The political system has applied the Constitution under the Party’s leadership. The work load is huge and the implementation process will be long.”

Leaders of localities and agencies from the central to local level are urged to apply the Constitution’s regulations. Problems which were handled by state agencies under the 1992 Constitution will continue to be resolved that way under the 2013 Constitution. Laws, ordinances, and legal documents issued before January, 2014, will be revised and supplemented to match the Constitution. Hung said: “Ministries, sectors, localities, and agencies must create their own plans and monitor and resolve problems hat arise during implementation. They must compile mid-year and year-end reports and submit them to the National Assembly’s Standing Committee and the Government, who will make a summary for the Politburo, Party Secretariat, and National Assembly.”

Communication is important to publicize the Constitution

In order to realize the Constitution, communication is an important activity. After the national conference on the Constitution’s implementation, the government will chair a national conference to train communicators, introduce them to the content and significance of the Constitution, and work out plans for updating and revising textbooks and research materials to match new regulations.

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education will coordinate with the Party Affairs Committees of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Information and Communication to compile documents, train communicators on the Constitution, and instruct media agencies to enhance communication to people of all social strata. Dinh The Huynh, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education, said: “Implementing the directive of the Party Secretariat, we’ll compile materials suitable for groups of people including party members, overseas Vietnamese, and foreign researchers. Mass media agencies will open special segments and publications to clarify the legal, scientific, and social foundation of the Constitution. Agencies in charge of cultural and ideological work, publishing houses, and media agencies should take the lead in fighting false, hostile viewpoints meant to sabotage the Constitution.”

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